9 research outputs found

    Tell Mozan Ceramics: Munsell Colours

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    Sacrifice in the Bronze Age Aegean and Near East: A Poststructuralist Approach

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    This project will provide a theoretical comparative analysis of the archaeological, iconographic and literary evidence concerning sacrifice in the civilisations of the Aegean and Near East in the Bronze Age. It will offer both an overview of the \u27meaning\u27 of sacrifice to the different civilisations in this period and a theoretical re-evaluation of the traditional archaelogical/anthropological approaches to Bronze Age sacrifice, in the light of poststructuralism and postmodernism

    Tell Mozan ceramics : Munsell colours

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    Buff, red, grey – these are common descriptions of pottery in archaeology. Colour is usually part of the recording of ceramic data, but these data are rarely used for more than the most general characterisation of pottery. Despite hesitations concerning the subjective nature of these observations and other factors involved in colour notation, is has been shown that the data can lead the way to broader interpretations, and careful recording with a standardised system such as the Munsell colour charts may reduce the effects of personal perception. A sample of colour notations of pottery from Tell Mozan, Syria, is presented here as an example of the possibilities; it is hoped that this study will provide comparative data for other sites in the region

    Sacrifice in the Bronze Age Aegean and Near East : A poststructuralist approach

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    THESIS 9068.1THESIS 9068.2THESIS 9068.

    The New Swedish Cyprus Expedition 2019 : excavations at Hala Sultan Tekke (The Söderberg Expedition) : preliminary results, with contributions by L. Recht, B. Placiente Robedizo, C. Eriksson, L. Andersson, M. Svensson, L. Avial Chicharro, S. Hermon, M. Polig & D. Kofel

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    The tenth season of excavations at the Late Bronze Age city of Hala Sultan Tekke was carried out in four areas: City Quarter 1 (CQ1), CQ4, City Wall 1 (CW1), and Area A (Tomb RR). The excavations in CQ1 provided additional information on the pre-LC IIIA occupation of the city. Stratum 3 which can be dated to the LC IIC (13th century BC) was further exposed. For the first time in the city even older phases, Strata 4 and 5, were found. These are tentatively dated to the LC I-II (15th to 14th century BC). In CQ4 numerous storage areas were exposed, which belong to a large compound. There is also evidence of production of textiles and purple dye. All remains can be associated to the most recent Stratum 1 and can be securely dated in the LC IIIA, i.e. the 12th century BC. A test trench (CW1) was opened up 150 m to the south-east of CQ4, in an area where the magnetometer survey indicated a possible city wall with moat. A c. 2.5 m-wide man-made construction consisting of small stones intermingled with larger blocks of stones was found running north-south. Built against the interior of this structure is a copper-producing workshop as indicated by much slag, ash, and remains of a furnace, which is preliminarily dated to the 13th century BC. Tomb RR, which was partly excavated in 2018 and secured, was reopened and additional burials came to light. The total number of skeletons now stands at 37; these are associated with 74 complete/intact finds of mainly pottery vessels of which some contained food remains. The pottery comprises Cypriot-produced wares and Mycenaean imports, which indicate a LC IIB-C date of the burials. Other finds include a unique Minoan female figurine and a bronze knife with ivory handle